
Our Cleanups


River Cleanups

All rivers in Ohio lead to the ocean or the Great Lakes. We host cleanups for the community to remove trash in our local waterways in order to keep our neighborhoods clean and ensure garbage never reaches the Great Lakes or the ocean.


Kayak Cleanups

Sometimes you just need a kayak to access those hard to reach places! It is also a lot of fun, too. During the summer months, we love to hop on our kayaks and take a cruise down the river, cleaning up along the way. We partner with kayak rental organizations in the community, or you can bring your own.

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Corporate Cleanups

Giving back to the community is the best way to bond with others. We work with corporations to put together their ideal service days, forming bonds between staff and executive team members. Contact us to schedule a corporate day of service.

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Street Cleanups

When it rains, all trash in the street enter the nearest storm drain, and all storm drains lead to the nearest waterbody. With all waterbodies ultimately reaching the ocean or the Great Lakes, it’s imperative we cleanup our streets - the major source of pollution ending up in our waterways.

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Yoga Cleanups

We love combining sports with our cleanups, and our yoga cleanups are always a huge hit! We start our day with a cleanup, and once we have given back to our Earth, we enjoy the surroundings with a yoga class led by a certified instructor.


Park Cleanups

We love our parks, and we know you do, too! That’s why we regularly host cleanups in our local parks - to give back to the places we love most. After a cleanup in the park, we often enjoy a light picnic and refreshments. Have a park you love that needs a cleanup? Let us know, and we can give your favorite place some TLC.